Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Crochet Projects...Part 1- My Year So Far || August 2015

This is part 1 of the craft projects I have finished so far in 2015.  This post will focus on the blankets I have completed so far this year. Check out part 2 for all other types of projects I have been doing!
Scroll down if you are looking to see these projects in video form!

Crochet is a brand new hobby for me this year and I really am loving it!

My first project.  This went up so much easier and quicker than I thought it would.  I was really happy with how it turned out and the fact that it did turn out nicely really encouraged me to keep going!

A white baby blanket that is more than a little wonky was my next project.  I think this one may be improved slightly by blocking it as it should make the blocks more squared off and the join lines significantly straighter!

Cornflower blue and gold large square bedspread & pillow cover.  I imagine I am going to give this one away as a gift for sure.  I was already thinking about that when I was making it as there are several people who I think would like this colour combo!

My Fiesta or rather siesta inspired blanket.  I decided to try to see if I could use up some of the bits and pieces of yarn that were kicking around and planned to use black or white to try to tie them all together.  I ended up choosing the black as I felt like it made the colours pop that little bit extra!  I have been very happy with how it turned out! Although, I do need to get a move on and get the last third of it all joined together!

Heather green open web blanket.  This was my first time straying away from the granny square formula.  I really like how it turned out.  I think adding the border on the whole thing added a lot to the blanket looking more like a finished piece.

This fluffy white blanket is made of my favourite 'pooch' yarn in a stitch that crochets up super quick! If you ever need to make a gift in an afternoon this would be a great choice.  I think the speed and ease would hold true if you used a boucle or any other chunky weight yarn.  It really is the texture that makes this so forgiving to work on if you have small mistakes or tension problems. In my experience I think it is about finding the balance in the yarn where it will be forgiving of your errors but doesn't actually make it more difficult to do the project.  For me Pooch yarn does just that!

Watch for Part 2 which I will be posting tomorrow! It is full of all the other projects (that weren't blankets) that I have completed this year!

What is your favourite kind of yarn to crochet or knit with? or do you prefer a different kind of craft altogether? Let me know and that's for dropping by!

Watch the video of this here:

I hope you are having a fantastic day!


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