Saturday, 28 September 2013

First Video || Decoy Bride Review

Hi people of the Internet!

-The Decoy Bride-
 So I just posted my first ever video to YouTube.  It is a review or maybe better described as some personal observations/thoughts about the movie The Decoy Bride. Anyone who manages to find this blog post I would love it if you would go and check out this video. 

The Decoy Bride- Back of case.

The Decoy Bride- inside of the case.
If you are looking for this movie I have seen it a bunch of places online.  I have linked a few below.

Canada:  Chapters/Indigo

America:  Amazon

UK: Amazon

I hope if you haven't seen the movie already you will check it out.
Thanks for reading,

Friday, 27 September 2013


Hi Internet Peoples! (hopefully there are people out there who will one day read this)

Annie here!
I have been thinking of trying the blogging thing for a really long time now (years...) and decided it was time to start, just go and see where it takes me. 

The intent is to focus the blog on things that take up time, hopefully in a time well wasted kind of way.  I think it is pretty much going to be whatever I'm doing with my time at the moment.

Right now, I watching a lot of movies/television, just starting to do more crafting again and I want to get my life generally more organised- which seems to take a fair bit of time to get done... so I think that is probably the direction this is headed as of now.

But we'll see... one never knows what will happen in the future.

To anyone out there reading this- Thank you
I'll be around again soon.


-Annie- September 2013-